Blog — history of jewelry

Famous Historical Heirlooms

Posted by Sheryl Lutz-Brown on

We hear a lot about items passed down through generations that are deeply cherished by families and hold a lot of sentimental value. These items are all heirlooms, yet as modern society and cultures advance, the word ‘heirloom’ has become associated with objects passed on that hold not only sentimental value, but monetary value. These kinds of things tend to fall under the categories of jewelry, antiques and luxury designer clothing.  Over the years, there have been many weird and wonderful artifacts left to loved ones. William Shakespeare left his second favorite bed to his wife… not his favorite, his...

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The Meanings Behind the 5 Most Common Jewelry Shapes

Posted by Sheryl Lutz-Brown on

Have you ever worn a piece of jewelry that you purchased solely for aesthetics,  and found people staring at you everywhere you go? We’re not talking the kind of, “wow, what a gorgeous necklace,” type of a stare, it’s the judgmental, “WHY are you wearing that necklace?” kind.  Well, it turns out that the reason has less to do with your taste in accessories and more with appropriate representation. Many of the jewelry shapes we encounter day-to-day actually have a deeper religious, cultural, or historical context that is no longer common knowledge. Ignoring the symbolic meaning of your jewelry puts...

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